MECOS microscopy combine

MECOS-C2/C3 families of automated microscopy combines

The MECO-HEMOa scanner-analyzer for animal blood smear analyses

The MECO-HEMOa scanner-analyzer is the version of the MECO-HEMO scanner-analyzer for analyses of animal blood smears. MECO-HEMOa accelerates and standardizes analysis, increases productivity, creates a modern workplace.  Automatic adaptation to the specific features of the smear provides analysis performance in conditions of usual specimen preparation quality. The technique can be implemented on MECOS-C3 hardware platforms with different automation levels of load, identification and specimen scan. Self-learning function of MECO-HEMOa is available to adapt automatic WBC sorting for animals of the specified types using interactive training sorting of an experienced cytopatologist.

For more details see MECO-HEMOa technique specification

​​The same hardware platform can support multiple MECOS-C3 analysis techniques. By filling out the form on the Contacts page, you will receive our offer for the MECOS-C3 model in your chosen package.

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