MECOS-C2/C3 families of automated microscopy combines
The MECO-HEMO automated scanner-analyzer for blood smear analysis
The MECO-HEMO automated scanner-analyzer for blood smear analysis accelerates and standardizes the technique, increases its exactness, sensitivity and productivity, implements remote quality control and consultations. MECO-HEMO provides the analysis in conditions of usual manual or automated specimen preparation. MECO-HEMO makes diff 27 WBC and diff 10 RBC cell automatic sorting. A doctor can see cell morphology in the galleries of sorted cells on computer screen. Increased the number of cells analyzed (200-400 and more WBC) in routine practice provides visualization of pathological forms under their low concentration. Access to the database for remote consultations using local network or the Internet is available. Self-learning functions of MECO-HEMO analyzer are available to adapt automatic MECO-HEMO WBC sorting for extra types of cells using interactive training sorting by an experienced cytopathologist.
For more details see MECO-HEMO technique specification
The same hardware platform can support multiple MECOS-C2 analysis techniques. By filling out the form on the Contacts page, you will receive our offer for the MECOS-C2 model in your chosen package.
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